Marta Bogacz 
Senior Scientist

BSc/MSc Microbiology (Wrocław, PL)
PhD Biochemistry (Heidelberg, DE)
Postdoc Biochemistry 
(Mainz, Jena, DE)

Yasmine Sophi Damayanti

PhD Student
BSc/MSc Chemistry (Institut Teknologi Bandung, ID/ Groningen, NL)

Charlotte Guhl

PhD Student (with Prof. Herz, UT Southwestern, TX, US)
BSc/MSc Biomedical Chemistry (Mainz, DE)

Sabine Häfner
Technical Assistant

Jean-Martin Harder
PhD Student
BSc/MSc Chemistry (Mainz, DE)

Ute Hellmich
Group Leader

Katja Konscholky

Team Assistant

Hannah Niederlechner
Technical Assistant
BSc Nutritional Sciences (Jena, DE)
MSc Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Potsdam, DE) 

Jan Overbeck

PhD Structural Biology (Regensburg, DE)
Dipl.  Biochemistry & MSc Physics (Tübingen, DE) 

Victor Hugo Pérez Carrillo
PhD Student
BSc Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry 

Sreelakshmi P. V.
PhD Student
Integrated BS-MS Chemistry 
(IISER Thiruvananthapuram, IN)

Alina Schellhase
PhD Student

BSc Biochemistry (Göttingen, DE) 
MSc Chemical Biology (Jena, DE) 

Eric Schwegler
PhD Student

BSc/MSc Biomedical Chemistry (Mainz, DE)

Rutwick Surya Ulhas
PhD Student

BSc Biotechnology, Botany & Chemistry (Bangalore, IN)
MSc Biochemistry (Jena, DE)

Christoph Wiedemann
Senior Scientist

Dipl./PhD Biochemistry (Jena, DE)
PD Biochemistry (Halle, DE) 

Team Microplastic: 

Microverse postdocs Kerstin Thriene, Rupali Sathe and Ying Huang study interactions between microbes & microplastic in a joint project together with the Papenfort and Stallforth labs!

Current undergraduate students, interns and research assistants

Iryna Todoriko
MSc Student

BSc Biochemistry
MSc Biochemistry and Biomedicine
(Lisbon, PT)

Interested in joining our team? Learn more here!

Hellmich Group 

Biostructural Interactions

Contact us: 

Office: Katja Konscholky

Lab: Sabine Häfner, Hannah Niederlechner

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Institute of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry
Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse"

Beutenberg Labs and Office:
Bioinstrumentezentrum (BIZ)
Winzerlaer Str. 2, 07745 Jena

IOMC Labs and NMR:
Humboldtstrasse 10, 07743 Jena